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Contact | PointZero Casa

Contact and showrooms

See location on mapSee showroom picture

Showroom București

Șos. Pipera, nr.48, sector 2, București,
M: +40.729.94.12.27
M: +40.723.55.64.71
T: +40.21.302.93.08
F: +40.21.302.93.07

Open hours:
Monday–Friday: 09:00–17:30
Saturday–Sunday: Closed

See location on mapSee showroom picture

Showroom Târgu Mureș

Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918, nr. 69/II, Târgu Mureș, România.
M: +40.732.12.76.92
M: +40.723.34.37.08
T: +40.21.302.93.08
F: +40.21.302.93.07

Open hours:
Monday–Friday: 09:00–17:30
Saturday–Sunday: Closed

Showroom Budapesta

H-1025 Budapest, Szépvölgyi út 92/G
T: +36.246.3411
T: +36.246.2312
F: +36.247.0768

Open hours:
Monday–Friday: 09:00–18:00
Saturday: 10.00–14.00
Sunday: Closed