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References | PointZero Casa


Private Project

Project carried out in collaboration with Graft Design Studio, arh. Ileana Timotin.

We used ceramic tiles by Laminam, I Naturali collection and sanitary objects designed by Flaminia.

Casa Tipografilor 20121218-00270

Private Project

Project carried out in collaboration with arh. Simona Valeanu – Verticalia.

We used products designed by Mirage, Vitrex and Cerim.

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Casa Valeanu DSC03579

Private pool

BBM architectural studio searched for the right version to combine the look of a traditional mansion in Dragasani the heart of wine the production with the benefits of modern pool at the highest standards. Decor Floor has responded to requests through a range of integrated services. During our 15 years experience in Hungary we offered a wide range of services including stereotomy, assembly and supply of materials.

Were used 300sqm Floor Gres ceramic tiles, plus a full set of accessories.